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RHS reps participated in event-Chongqing - Finland Clean Technology and Green City Development Seminar

       On 11st, MAY, 2012, Chongqing municipal government cooperated with Finland embassy in china, and Finnish Foreign Trade Association to initiate this seminar in Chongqing Hilton hotel— Chongqing and Finland Clean technologies and seminar for developing green city.

      The theme of this seminar is focusing on enhancing the coordination level in such sectors as industry, urban construction, environmental protection, education, moreover delivering a communicated platform between our national firms and Finland companies, transferring and introducing the latest development on Finland’s clean technique, energy, and telecommunication. However, based on founding a numeral ecological urban construction which included   Digital Technique and sustainability depended on combining those technique, this seminar provided face-to-face communicated opportunities for Chinese and  Finnish companies.

      Liujun ( general manager of RHS), as well as Hanyi (staff of Darde architects practice) both attended this meeting. Besides, they exchanged information with some Finnish companies like LTD architects practice, clean technique companies.


